Art + Magic
The universe is energy. With our senses, we make contact. Through touch, sound, color, curiosity, we unveil that which separates us and immerse ourselves in boundlessness. In this space, we transcend ego, we lose the self. It is in this shadowy, uncertain moment that we make magic. Transference of energy. Magic is to be both full and empty, to receive and to give with all that we are. We are full because we are the universe; we are empty because we are no-self.
Yet we experience daily life, in which things seem so bounded and tangibly separate. We wash our dishes, do the laundry, we consume and waste. We chat and we buy toilet paper and dish soap. Endless dramas and traumas, the abuse of collective memory, the ceaseless pain of our yearnings and losses play out before us and within us against the backdrop of the mundane.
To seek magic, which is to say to channel the unbounded nature of reality, requires a focusing of many eyes and limbs together: intuition and logic, imagination and action.
I cultivate in my creative process ways of seeing/feeling beyond these surface veils: layers, material interaction, movement, potential, and intuitive feeling. I am inspired by the discoveries of the “objective sciences” just as much as I am by nameless feelings and subconscious responses to both the mundane and the magical. All things I can touch and see and imagine form universes: this phenomenon is my muse. Everything you can imagine is real.